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Master’s programme International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering (E)

Content and focus of the degree programme:

The master's programme aims at broadening expertise and further developing scientific skills in the field of petroleum engineering equivalent to the standards of master's programmes in the same field at Anglo-American universities. Students can choose one of the following three focus areas: Drilling Engineering, Petroleum Production Engineering, Reservoir Engineering. While pursuing their studies the students will already have the opportunity to gain an insight into their future professions in the course of their mandatory practical field work. Graduates will be prepared for employment on drilling rigs and production sites and as planning engineers in drilling, reservoir and production engineering as well as in pipeline and plant engineering. Due to their broad education the graduates will be able to assume leadership positions at all levels. Leoben petroleum engineers may work for petroleum companies, in energy management, in foundation engineering and consulting firms as well as in research and development.

Higher education institution:
Montanuniversität Leoben
Group of fields of study:
Engineering Sciences
Degree programme:
International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering (E)
Master’s programme
Academic degree:
Diplom-Ingenieur/Ingenieurin, Dipl.-Ing.
4 Semester / 120 ECTS

Further information:

Languages of instruction:
Student Union fee: EUR 24,70
Tuition fee - see Detailed information
Stay abroad:
Not compulsory
Type of higher education institution:
published in the:

Definition of the field of studies



Entrance examinations


Supplementary examinations