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Master’s programme Software Engineering and Management (E)

Content and focus of the degree programme:

Software engineering deals with the fundamentals and technologies of the systematic production and development of software. It provides principles, methods and tools for the engineering development and application of complex and extensive software systems. Software engineering includes the entire process from the identification of requirements to the implementation and maintenance of an IT solution. The goal is the timely provision of reliable software with guaranteed quality features at calculated costs. To achieve this goal the methods of practical computer science must be combined with methods of management. For this reason graduates of the master’s programme in Software Engineering and Management will acquire both in-depth technical and scientific skills in software development and in-depth economic skills in management. The study programme aims to provide in-depth knowledge in special topics while maintaining breadth and interdisciplinarity and prepares the students to be independent and proactive in their thinking, decision-making and actions.

Higher education institution:
Technische Universität Graz
Group of fields of study:
Engineering Sciences, Social and Economic Sciences
Degree programme:
Software Engineering and Management (E)
Master’s programme
Academic degree:
Diplom-Ingenieur/Diplom-Ingenieurin, MSc, Dipl.-Ing.
4 Semester / 120 ECTS

Further information:

Languages of instruction:
Student Union fee: EUR 24,70
Tuition fee - see Detailed information
Stay abroad:
Type of higher education institution:
published in the:

Definition of the field of studies



Entrance examinations

Admission procedure possible, depending on your previous studies

Supplementary examinations