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Master’s programme Cognitive Science (E)

Content and focus of the degree programme:

Graduates of this joint degree master’s programme will have knowledge of the basic concepts of cognitive science and comprehensive methodological knowledge and training in current research techniques. Moreover, the students will acquire expertise in a specific area of cognitive science (i.e. on a specific cognitive phenomenon). What is so special and unique about this programme is, on one hand, its radical interdisciplinary approach, which manifests itself in the structure of the curriculum and in the didactic principles (e.g. work in intercultural, interdisciplinary teams, phenomenon-oriented [vs. discipline-oriented] approach, etc.), and on the other hand the international dimension and the resulting wide range of research options.

Higher education institution:
Universität Wien
Group of fields of study:
Humanities, Natural Sciences
Degree programme:
Cognitive Science (E)
Master’s programme
Academic degree:
Master of Science, MSc
4 Semester / 120 ECTS

Further information:

Languages of instruction:
Student Union fee: EUR 24,70
Tuition fee - see Detailed information
Stay abroad:
Type of higher education institution:
published in the:

Additional information

MEi:CogSci ist ein Masterstudium, das von folgenden Institutionen gemeinsam angeboten wird: Universität Wien (und Medizinische Universität Wien), Comenius Universität in Bratislava, Eötvös Loránd Universität in Budapest, Universität von Ljubljana und der Universität Zagreb.

Definition of the field of studies



Entrance examinations

Admission procedure consisting of submission of a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation in English

Supplementary examinations
