Master’s programme JMP in Global Business Canada/Peru

Content and focus of the degree programme:

The students will spend the first semester of the programme at their home university. During this time the students of the University of Linz will complete parts of the subjects in "General Management Competence" and "Language Skills English". In an extended second semester the students from the three partner universities will be taught together at the three locations for 2-3 months in succession, based on the agreement between the three universities. The joint part lasts 8 months, beginning in January and ending in August. The joint part includes the subjects of "Global Business Fundamentals", "Global Business Development", "Global Business Consulting", "Global Business in Context", "Global Leadership and Cultural Intelligence" as well as "Language Skills II". The degree programme concludes with the second study year. In this part the students will complete the remaining modules and courses in the subjects of "General Management Competence" and "Language Skills English" as well as the courses in the subject of "Methods in Management Research". Moreover, the students will write their master's thesis in this part of the programme.

Higher education institution:
Universität Linz
Group of fields of study:
Social and Economic Sciences
Degree programme:
JMP in Global Business Canada/Peru
Master’s programme
Academic degree:
Master of Science, MSc
4 Semester / 120 ECTS

Further information:

Languages of instruction:
Student Union fee: EUR 24,70
Tuition fee - see Detailed information
Stay abroad:
Type of higher education institution:
published in the:

Additional information

Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz gemeinsam mit den Partneruniversitäten PUCP Centrum Business School Lima und UVIC University of Victoria

Definition of the field of studies



Entrance examinations

The admission procedure requires an application with letter of application/motivation, curriculum vitae and certificates and an interview in English.

Supplementary examinations