Master’s programme Online MBA in Executive Management

Content and focus of the degree programme:

The LBS online MBA in Executive Management is a two-year program designed to enhance your professional experience and propel your career forward. With a curriculum centered on real-world practice and taught by professionals leading in their fields, the program is designed with the working professional in mind, offering majors in Green & Sustainable Business Management or International & Digital Marketing.

Higher education institution:
Lauder Business School
Group of fields of study:
Social and Economic Sciences
Degree programme:
Online MBA in Executive Management
Master’s programme
Academic degree:
Master of Business Administration, MBA
4 Semester / 120 ECTS

Further information:

Languages of instruction:
Die Kosten sind der Homepage der Bildungseinrichtung zu entnehmen
Student Union fee: EUR 24,70
Tuition fee - see Detailed information
Stay abroad:
Type of higher education institution:
University of Applied Sciences
published in the:

Definition of the field of studies



Entrance examinations

Online application and solving a case study

Supplementary examinations